July 2021
As the restrictions are starting to be lifted it might soon be all systems go!
NEXT MEETING. Our usual monthly meetings have been restarted at the Crooked Billet in Hook. We had 17 members that turned up at the last meeting with a good selection of Minis, some new faces too. We sat outside as the weather was warm enough – a good time was had by all!
The next meeting will be Wednesday 28th July from about 7pm. We should be able to be seated indoors although if the weather is good we can be outside.
A reminder that our meetings are usually on the last Wednesday of the month at The Crooked Billet, London Road, Hook, Hants, RG27 9EH. The current venue may be subject to change in the near future. All members are very welcome, you don’t have to own a Mini Cooper – any Mini will do! It doesn’t matter if you turn up without your Mini either….just come along for a drink and a chat with other members…..we’re quite a friendly bunch of people. If you have any technical queries about your Minis then there is bound to be somebody at the meeting who can help you. If you are a new member then please do come along.
The Thames Valley Region’s Club Stand at the MCR’s National Mini Day at Beaulieu was a great success. We managed to win the trophy for best club stand AGAIN and this time we weren’t even trying!
Brooklands have announced that Brooklands Mini Day has been rescheduled for 3rd October. We are hoping to have our usual Club Stand at this event and nearer to the date we will be taking names for places.
All types of Mini (including the modern BMW) are invited to this annual event, so expect displays in all areas of the Museum site. From the oldest to the newest, this year’s event will see some of the earliest examples nestling among hundreds of Minis and their variations including vans and pickups. As always Test Hill will be in action in the morning and afternoon.
There will be a variety of trade stands offering mini parts, spares and memorabilia. This year’s Minis to the Alps expedition is scheduled for 17th – 24th September 2021. If this is of interest to you then you will find all the details in CooperWorld or on
The MCR club shop is up and running at full efficiency and going from strength to strength ….if you can’t find what you’re looking for then contact the shop and ask…they are very helpful and accommodating. Have a look at the website Mini Cooper Register and click on club shop.
PLEASE REMEMBER that because of the lack of events and therefore event reports in CooperWorld magazine, the Editor is welcoming any interesting and/or noteworthy articles for inclusion in the magazine so don’t be shy … get writing (or typing).
18 July 2021 Thames Valley Tour. Although this event is now full it’s worth enquiring from the entries secretary in case of any cancellations. Clive Brooks 01189 868280
7 August 2021 Popham Classic Car Show and Vintage Fly-in 10am-5pm. Contact Ken Hunter if you are interested.
22 August 2021 Brands Hatch Mini Festival
29 August 2021 Ham Sandwich Run Kent. Contact: for further details
19 Sept 2021 West Green House Classic Car Show, Hartley Wintney. RG27 8JB Free entry for cars over 20 years old. Entry from 8.30am – 9.30am. Contact Ken for booking.
3rd October 2021 Brooklands Mini Day. If you would like to attend please let Lorraine or Ken know and you’ll be added to the list.
That’s all for now. Let’s hope we can soon see some familiar faces and cars again.
Stay safe everyone and keep your distance! HANDS, FACE, SPACE!