January 2022
NEXT MEETING. As previously mentioned, our usual monthly meeting venue is changing. For January’s meeting on Wednesday 26th, we will be meeting at The Winchfield Inn, Station Hill, Winchfield, Hook RG27 8BX from 7pm. This is our first visit to this place so it’s very much an experiment. .
All members are very welcome, you don’t have to own a Mini Cooper – any Mini will do! It doesn’t matter if you turn up without your Mini either….just come along for a drink and a chat with other members…..we’re quite a friendly bunch of people. If you have any technical queries about your Minis then there is bound to be somebody at the meeting who can help you. If you are a new member then please do come along.
BROOKLANDS MINI DAY is on Sunday 27th March. Brooklands haven’t released their booking arrangements yet for club stands so we’re undecided what to do about arrangements. For ease of organisation and because of the new advance ticket booking system etc., we might decide to let members book their own tickets in advance and we can group together on site unless someone wants to take on the task of organising a club stand for this event. Don’t all rush!
All types of Mini (including the modern BMW) are invited to this annual event, so expect displays in all areas of the Museum site. From the oldest to the newest, this year’s event will see some of the earliest examples nestling among hundreds of Minis and their variations including vans and pickups. As always Test Hill will be in action in the morning and afternoon.
This year’s MINIS TO THE ALPS expedition is scheduled for 16th – 23rd September 2022. If this is of interest to you then you will find all the details in CooperWorld or on
POPHAM CLASSIC CAR SHOW is scheduled for 2nd May 2022. We will be having a club stand at this event. Contact Ken Hunter for further details if you are interested.
BEAULIEU NATIONAL MINI DAY hasn’t had a date set yet but this will appear in CooperWorld. There are a few changes to the format this year to make organisation easier.
PLEASE REMEMBER that because of the lack of events and therefore event reports in CooperWorld magazine, the Editor is welcoming any interesting and/or noteworthy articles for inclusion in the magazine so don’t be shy … get writing (or typing).
That’s all for now. Let’s hope we can soon see some familiar faces and cars again.