Hi Its that time again for our Monthly meeting, this month at Caffine and Machine, Ettington near Stratford upon Avon on Tues 24th August at 19:30 hrs. Its free entry to the venue, looking forward to seeing you there. Nick and Peter Regional Organisers
Author: pwmm
MCR regional meeting
Hi all this month’s meeting is at caffeine and machine on Tuesday 27th July see you there 19:30 hrs
Hi all After this long covid break its time to start meeting again. The next meeting of the region is planned to be at Caffeine and Machine on the evening of June 22nd from 8pm or whenever you can get there, so see you there. Nick and Peter
Gaydon Mini and Metro show
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from Gaydon Mini and Metro show by Peter Machin After due consideration, and the recent cancellation of Stamford Hall, due to the on going rise in Corona Virus cases in Birmingham, Redditch, Northampton and leicester you will not be surprised to hear that we have made the decision to… Continue reading Gaydon Mini and Metro show
Gaydon Mini and Metro show
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from Gaydon Mini and Metro show by Peter Machin After due consideration, and the recent cancellation of Stamford Hall, due to the on going rise in Corona Virus cases in Birmingham, Redditch, Northampton and leicester you will not be surprised to hear that we have made the decision to… Continue reading Gaydon Mini and Metro show
Facebook page
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from Facebook page by Peter Machin MCRWarks Facebook page Good evening all. The Warwickshire region Facebook page is now up and running curtesy of David Hucker it is MCRWarks. We need to spread the word and attract more followers please Please let us know if there is anything you… Continue reading Facebook page
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from Meetings by Peter Machin Hi All In the light of the stepping up of the Governments control measures yesterday reluctantly we are suspending our monthly meeting due on the 25th of this month. We will keep you informed for the next meeting on Tuesday 21st April but we… Continue reading Meetings
Meeting Dates
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from Meeting Dates by Peter Machin The next meeting of the Warwickshire region will be on Wednesday 25th March at Caffeine and Machine. From that date forward we will meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month to avoid clashes with large groups. Nick and Peter Reply to Peter… Continue reading Meeting Dates
Wednesday meeting
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from Wednesday meeting by Peter Machin hi this months meeting will be at caffeine and machine on wed 26th at 19:30 hrs we can go through events for the year. visits, treasure hunts, venues etc Reply to Peter Machin | Feb 23,2020 |
News Letter
Message sent by Peter Machin Message from News Letter by Peter Machin WARWICKSHIRE REGION NEWS Thank you to everyone who came to the first meeting of 2020 at Caffeine & Machine, our former venue when known as The Houndshill. There are already a number of activities building up for the summer, so we thought… Continue reading News Letter