Message sent by Niki Halls
Mini Cooper Register – Essex Regionby Niki Halls Good evening fellow mini and MINI lovers
As the Essex region has been without a representative for quite a long time, I thought I would volunteer to be the regional rep and see if we can arrange some events or potentially join in with other areas, Kent seems to be a very active area socially. It would be great to meet as many of you as possible at The Hawk on Monday 4 March – I will be there with my MINI Cooper S, hopefully the sun will shine and it will bring you and your cars out – if we can get a good show of cars we could use the photo for our Facebook profile picture. if The Hawk is not a convenient place to meet, perhaps we could out another pub to the vote for the April meeting? Please find the new Facebook page, give it a “like” and leave me a photo of your car. Can’t wait to meet up – I don’t want to be the only MINI or mini in the car park!! Best wishes. Niki
Reply to Niki Halls | Feb 21,2019 |