Christmas is coming!

Message sent by Niki Halls Message from Christmas is coming! by Niki Halls Hi everybody We’re changing the pub where we hold our monthly meeting, so from Monday 2 December we will be meeting at The Lodge, Rettendon, SS11 7QT. I very much hope that lots of people will come to our first meeting at… Continue reading Christmas is coming!

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Monthly meet up

Message sent by Niki Halls Message from Monthly meet up by Niki Halls Hi everybody The next monthly meet at The Hawk is on 3 June at around 8pm. It would be great to see as many minis as possible, old and new. Hopefully the sun will be shining and we can entice some of… Continue reading Monthly meet up

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Mini Festival Brands Hatch

Message sent by Niki Halls Message from Mini Festival Brands Hatch by Niki Halls Hi everybody It was so lovely to meet some of you last weekend at Braxted, hopefully you have all found pictures of your cars via the link that I put on the facebook page. I wondered if anybody would be interested… Continue reading Mini Festival Brands Hatch

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